All eyes on you Virgo as the sun illuminates your first house of self and personality for most of the month. It’s your birthday season so it’s time to bask in the glow from the sun, and take a short break from fixing everything and everyone around you, respectfully.
Uranus goes retrograde on September 1 in your 9th house of travel and philosophy, encouraging you to evaluate how flexible your views of the world have become, and how you’ve changed as a result. Your old ways of thinking have changed and this is a time to confirm that you’re on the right path. You may also need to tie up some loose ends in regards to a legal issue, or return to a place far away from your residence.
The Virgo new moon on September 2 is your personal new moon, and a time to set goals in regards to your year ahead. With the sun and the moon’s opposition to Saturn in your 7th house, what you need to work on may be in regards to your relationship(s). This will be a repeating theme for you. Your ruler Mercury’s square to Uranus in your 9th house of wisdom, and positive aspect to Chiron in your 8th house of transformation, provides the chance for you to work on speaking your truth so that healing can occur.
Mars enters your 11th house friends and networks on September 4, encouraging you to actively be a social butterfly. Mars in this house wants you to network for a purpose, not just for enjoyment. Set a strategy for how you can benefit from collaboration with others, and meet with the people who can help you ascend. Mars in this area can make you a little more feisty and short tempered in social settings, so stay aware of this energy.
Mercury joins the sun in your house of self on September 8, amplifying your status as an analytical powerhouse. You’ll be focused on an important topic, yourself, and how you can become the best you. But make sure to schedule some time for rest, as Mercury in this house can keep your mind and your body running. Every engine needs to shut off from time to time.
The Pisces full moon lunar eclipse on September 17 kicks off an upcoming cycle for everyone that involves auditing each area of your life, and repairing the things that need work so that we can move towards our dreams, creativity, and an inner sense of peace and healing. This eclipse will put a spotlight on, you guessed it, relationship issues. This includes both business and personal partnerships.
Love planet Venus moves into your 3rd house of home on September 22, the same day that Libra season begins. If you have a sibling/siblings, this could make your relationship with them a little sweeter. The same goes for relatives and neighbors. You’ll be able to communicate with a softer tone, and that will be appreciated by others.