Love Horoscope

taurus Love Horoscope

Jul 25, 2024 - The alignment of the planets may mean that you are somewhat ambivalent about your emotions. You feel very warm toward a certain person, and yet you are also not sure whether you can entirely trust that they want to make a definite commitment, as they seem so uncertain about their own feelings. You will need to listen to your gut instincts on this one, and act on them.

Jul 26, 2024 - Anything could happen with today's astral energy, and if you thought this was going to be an ordinary day, think again. This is a time of beginnings, but they won't be gentle like a walk down a country lane, with time to dream and gaze. This will be like a lightning flash. Someone who perhaps was a friend, becomes much, much more, very quickly. It will be a complete surprise, be assured.

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