Mar 13, 2025 - You may want to do some kind of volunteer work. Helping the needy is a year-round opportunity, not limited to certain special occasions. Pay attention to this part of yourself and to your outgoing nature. If you have like-minded friends, try to start planning a day or two of service in advance, if possible. There are so many opportunities for giving of yourself that you may have a hard time deciding where to focus your attention.
Mar 14, 2025 - Waiting for the right time can be good advice, but not with regard to developing healthy habits to live by. You need to eat three meals a day with healthy snacks in between (fresh fruit, for example). You need to sleep like a baby - and there are ways to create more successful sleeping habits if you need help. You need to drink enough water to keep your immune system strong and your elimination process in tune. These are things that do not benefit from "waiting."