Oct 7, 2024 - Oct 13, 2024 - Whoa, Aries! Don’t let your mouth write checks you can’t cash over the next several months once Jupiter goes into retrograde in your communication zone on Wednesday. If your ego is running your mouth, you might be humbled when the reality of the situation sets in. Think before you speak! However, you can take time to celebrate all your achievements when Pluto moves forward in your career zone on Friday. You might even be awarded a major honor that boosts your reputation. Look at what you’re building and think about how you want to move forward.Get ready to fully embrace the spooky season at the end of the week when Mercury enters Scorpio and your intuition zone on Sunday. Your thoughts could turn dark because you’re eager to explore taboo and mysterious topics. Use this energy for intimate conversations, but remember to be mindful of the time and place.