20, Dec 2022:
Colors of the day : Hot pink, Cream
Lucky Numbers of the day : 3, 5
Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with : F, O
Cosmic Tip : You might experience a rollercoaster ride of emotions soon, gather some positive energy to deal with it.
Tips for Singles : Prioritize your routine, you have a sure-shot there!
Tips for Couples : Talk about the most unusual topic ever Money.
21, Dec 2022:
Colors of the day : Banana Tone, Rose Pink
Lucky Numbers of the day : 5, 7
Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with : D, V
Cosmic Tip : Pay attention to your instincts and decipher what they're trying to say.
Tips for Singles : It's time to pay attention to your finances and become budget-friendly.
Tips for Couples : You both might have the same dreams, aspirations, and goals, but life is too short to stay at the same place. Make some great moments while exploring you.