Jan 16, 2025 - Making yourself truly comfortable in your body takes a lot of work. Have you ever seen people who look really physically fit, but still something makes them look awkward in their skin? There is more to being "in shape" than meets the eye. It's a whole process that starts with what you eat and how you eat it. (Do you eat on the fly? That doesn't help!) Get yourself eating what and how you would like to eat this week; the rest will follow.
Jan 17, 2025 - Today the planets give you the drive to complete any task at hand. The celestial atmosphere impels you to pay attention to your body and especially hygiene. You will be a lot happier if you clean your house regularly, do your laundry at least once a week, wash the dishes immediately after meals, etc. This aspect will increase your appreciation for your home life. When your home is your haven, even if it's a temporary home, you are a more balanced individual.