20, Dec 2022:
Colors of the day : Black, Green, Bright Yellow
Lucky Numbers of the day : 5, 1, 3
Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with : G, N, B
Cosmic Tip : Do not compare your life with others. No parallel can be drawn between sun and moon, they shine when it's their time.
Tips for Singles : Be confident and get back in the game.
Tips for Couples : Do not take your better half for granted; understand what the other person needs.
21, Dec 2022:
Colors of the day : Green, Brown, Pink
Lucky Numbers of the day : 2, 9
Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with : W, V, J
Cosmic Tip : Love is a beautiful experience and not only you but the other person also deserves to experience this emotion in the most glorious way possible.
Tips for Singles : It has been a while since you last called your friends. Reconnect with your old friends.
Tips for Couples : Take a bedroom adventure.