Health Horoscope

libra Health Horoscope

Jul 26, 2024 - Today's aspect means you're going to stop to smell the roses whether you like it or not. Bend down and tie your shoelaces. Pull over and check the map. Get into the groove of whatever daily life means to you and just "be here now." It's not a time to initiate brand new projects, but rather a time to check in with how you feel about current projects. Regarding your diet, you may want to check whether you're eating enough fruits and vegetables.

Jul 27, 2024 - There is conflict between your internal and external power sources while today's planetary transit lasts. Pay attention to conflict and try to use it to your benefit. With your nature, this can be a challenge. When faced with a conflict, ask yourself what is your desired result? A little bit of forethought can mean the difference between a breakthrough and a breakdown. To calm your nerves during these moments of conflict, drink chamomile tea, and don't forget your exercise.

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