20, Dec 2022:
Colors of the day : Gold, Red
Lucky Numbers of the day : 4, 3
Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with : A, L, Y
Cosmic Tip : Give yourself time to heal and learn to slow down.
Tips for Singles : Pace yourself, and learn from your past mistakes.
Tips for Couples : No matter what happens, you will always have your partner by your side.
21, Dec 2022:
Colors of the day : Rose, Aqua Green
Lucky Numbers of the day : 3, 8
Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with : K, S
Cosmic Tip : Your optimism might color things, concentrate on reality.
Tips for Singles : Take a toll on your responsibilities and the time has come when you need to delegate them.
Tips for Couples : Learn to divide your time between your friends and your partner.