Health Horoscope

scorpio Health Horoscope

Oct 10, 2024 - Walking the line between exerting yourself and conserving your energy is a delicate practice that needs the support of a healthy diet. Too much carbohydrate and fat consumption can take the vitality right out of your system! Take a couple of days to clean yourself out. Try making light meals of soup and salad to give your digestive track a break. At the same time, drink a daily herbal tea of Wood Betony and Verbena.

Oct 11, 2024 - Give yourself the benefit of the doubt as you push yourself out the door to exercise. You don't have to do the Olympic version of any form of exercise - just do a little each day. You will sleep more soundly and feel better about yourself all around if you get a little bit of exercise each day. After all, it's what your body deserves. Another form of appreciation you can show your body is drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water each day.

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