Health Horoscope

sagittarius Health Horoscope

Feb 4, 2025 - It's never too late to go in the direction you want to. Today's planetary alignment lights up the path not taken, and even a steadfast person can be inspired to turn and make its way to a new opportunity. Indeed, your inner voice will tell you something under this transit and it is in your best interest to listen. Calming, relaxing exercise will help you. Yoga, Pilates, stretching, lifting weights – do whatever you find grounds you. Hot baths are also recommended.

Feb 5, 2025 - Water is the order of the day. Given the present celestial atmosphere, you may be prone to urinary tract infections, or something related, if you haven't been drinking enough water. It is vital that your kidneys, the organs that cleanse your system, get plenty of this purifying substance flushing through them at this time. All the discipline you ought to have around your renal health is important to consider.

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