Mar 13, 2025 - You take the path less traveled most of the time. Your individualistic nature depends on yourself more than others, and it can get pretty lonely if you don’t make an effort to socialize and seek out human interaction in whatever ways are currently possible for you. However, if you are someone who has considered getting a pet but not done so, ask yourself if now would be a good time. People who own pets generally can't imagine life without their special companion. They can really brighten up your life!
Mar 14, 2025 - Walking is probably the most under-rated exercise because it doesn't require much exertion, and people do it every day. But how much do you actually do it? Do you walk instead of taking the bus whenever possible? Do you think 8-10 blocks is "too far" to walk? There are serious health benefits from walking: it tones your entire body, you can do deep breathing exercises at the same time, and the body naturally aligns itself when you walk with a straight back and an extended chest.