Health Horoscope

cancer Health Horoscope

Jul 26, 2024 - You have never been one to abandon a course once set out on, however, you must get used to the little detours life shows us along the way! Rather than looking at these detours as setbacks, consider them as curves in the road that were too subtle to be realized when you were starting out. Have faith that you're still on the path! Support your sensitive nature by taking night-time or early morning baths with a few drops of lavender oil.

Jul 27, 2024 - Your usual groundedness and balance is a saving grace during times of troubled waters - and when a challenging aspect occurs it's time to hold on to what makes you feel secure and not let go! If you sense conflict with your loved ones or your boss, give yourself the benefit of isolation and distance. Keep your feelings close to your heart and move through this difficult period with the self-assurance that a solid health regimen can give you. Pay close attention to your body.

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